Saturday, May 23

Star Trek

a MUST see....

I think even if you aren't a trekkie you might enjoy this movie. Of course H and I are the age that our parents watched it when we were little kids - I remember watching Trek before I grasped it (but I do remember enjoying it).

This movie is wonderfully done, I especially like the Heroes actor who plays Spock (btw I am a HUGE Heroes fan). And without giving it away they have left it open for many many sequels without them conflicting with the first movies or the series.

And I was a little worried that it would be hokey and just for the nostalgia factor.



starrynights said...

Told ya it rocked! I loved Spock too, although I don't watch Heroes so I am not familiar with the actor...

I was worried about the cheese factor too, but I thought it was well done.

Gonna go see it again probably.

Kady Cannon said...

Actually, you're more than double the age when your parents watched the original series :-)

Guess this is one we won't wait for on Netflix.

Baledwr said...

I guess I know I was double the age now, but I still remember dad watching it when I was very small, even though it was in reruns :)

Tavs said...

Yep, my mom and I used to sit and watch it when I was little, too. Quinn has no clue. I think they stopped running them as much. I really want to see the movie. Everyone has gone without me so far, so I may have to go alone.