Tuesday, May 29


Kate's gone. I slept all afternoon yesterday and am FINALLY feeling more human - I really didn't get to recover from nationals before the weekend. And this weekend was odd - stopping at a local show with nothing too exciting in the ring and nothing to show. Hannah, even bald, might have won - but who wants to show off a totally bald dog? I'd rather finish her in style. And she's putting on some weight again from her sick stint and looks pretty good.

Re: the sick stint...still no idea what it was. The vet didn't feel she was anemic at all and it was suggested that she may have been shocky from the chill bath I gave her coming back from the rings - especially as she had a fever. Right now I'm inclined to beleive that she was affected by the heat (my bad) after catching some dog-show bug and therefore had a compromised immune system and got sick easy and quick. Either way she seems better (whew) and we went to a new vet who seems nice and much cheaper than the corp vet clinic we were using. I like vets who listen to what I have to say (of course most pet owners don't come in with exact temps/dosages/etc to impress the vet so that may be why they listened!)

While I have found a few fleas since coming home it's only been a couple on Sushi when he got out in the backyard and the occasional one or two on the dogs. No infestation but I am super paraniod about it as Wally still looks like crap. For those who don't know - Wally has severe allergies and drops ALL his hair/gets hotspots/chews raw with only a single flea or two. Kate saw firsthand what I mean by baboon butt! I still need to get the backyard sprayed or something (not sure if it will help with the feral cats and now SQUIRRELS in our yards).

BTW Kate - the singing game works once Henry figured out that he has to use the right game system! (ie he was putting a PS2 game in the Xbox). Next time...


Jeri said...

Nice try, putting a game into the wrong system. ROFL

I'm glad Hannah Banana is feeling better!

Traci said...

I, too, am glad to hear Hannah is better! That's great news!!!! Are you referring to SingStar for PS2?