Wednesday, May 30

Jasmine, a Kimi daughter

from her first litter (aka the unfortunate cosmetic disaster litter). Jasmine had a kink/stubby tail and a half white face. Cute little gal tho...

You think YOU got topline problems? Kate is no longer allowed to complain.

I think her favorite thing is water

Natural herding dog!


Kim said...

Told ya Guppy got the bubble bath fixation from Kimi!

Jeri said...

Is her registered name really Baledwr Jasmine Fishstick? ROFL

She is awfully cute. The one I want to see pictures of grown up is the blue-eyed red boy. :o)

Traci said...

oh yea hu! the blue eye'd red boy was adorable too! What happened to her tail?? Was she born that way? She's way cute :)

Kate said...

Wow, that surely is a lovely topline.

What was the litter theme? Words that you'd never expect to see combined.

Baledwr said...

The reason I will never let a pet owner register thier own puppy again - we didn't have a theme on this litter (all pets)...from now on I will have to approve names!

She was born with a stub tail - same gene as causes the kinks. FWIW we found out Moxie (same litter) was short a vertibrae (right Megan?) and Kimi's sire Will was short one or half one as well.

At least she looks very happy and well loved!

Jeri said...

Wasn't there a kinked or really curly tail in Kimi's litter too? *scratching head* I thought I remembered that.

Baledwr said... kinks, though Milo's wasn't very good...

There was a kink in the Quizzy/Rudy litter (half mask red boy) and I do wonder if Caleb might be missing joint in his tail as it seems short to me/very little white, but nothing like this puppies.

I looked up on AKC and it really is Baledwr SN Jasmine Fishstick...I am going to have to find out the story behind THAT one.

CardiLover said...

Oh, scary name, but lucky water dog! I wanna see pics of that blue-eyed red boy, too.

starrynights said...


I never knew what they named her. My god that's funny!

Yes, Moxie was short one vertebrae and also several ribs on one side.

I also suspect Caleb's tail may be missing a few links as it is on the short side. Kim S. looked at it and said it's ok, but just barely.

starrynights said...

Oh, and ya can't blame me for letting the pet owners name the dogs. Carolyn is the one who placed the puppies!

Brittany said...

LOL.. I never thought she'd be such a topic of conversation. Yes her name really is Jasmine Fishstick. A compromise between my husband, my mother-in-law, my father-in-law and myself. Be glad they didn't win or more food names would have been included. I recently did x-rays of her whole body and the drs thought that her tail was broken in utero and then fused back together. They showed me some x-rays of other fused tails and it did appear similar in how it healed. Her topline has slowly gotten better a little more level but not by much, but I personally love her funny front legs. One leg is more turned out than the other but doesn't hinder her at all. She is a wonderful happly lil' girl with a great personality, we thank you guys so much for letting us have this wonderful little girl.
Brittany & Ben
Jasmine Fishstick & Razzie the Pem