Tuesday, March 6


A few short paragraphs to sum up someone's life. It doesn't even begin to capture the essence or reality of the person we all knew.

And then it's all over. We go back to our own worries and lives.

Every now and then we might remember grandma Ginny fondly...the most grandmotherly-grandmother I have (if that makes sense!). Kisses on the cheek will fade to a mere memory.

The best and worst memory for me will always be that last time I saw her and she called me her "Golden Girl". Now I haven't been a blonde since about 5 years old...but grandma still always called me that. We had a special bond.

I don't know how to feel. Even though I knew last time I saw her it was probably goodbye, I wasn't ready for it to be goodbye...

I'm still in Oregon - got here last Monday and am staying until Sunday or Monday so that Henry and dad can build fence. I went to the viewing and family service and plan to go to the church memorial in a couple of days. Today I'm supposed to go to her house and get some tools for Henry. :( Anyway it's a sad reason to have a visit.


Traci said...

Wow... what a great obituary for your great grandma Ginny.... I've heard about she and her husband for all the time I've known you and your mom, so it was great to learn more about her and her family.

We're never really ready to lose family... and I'm so so sorry for your family's loss.

What an amazing life she led... I'm sure she would not want her "Golden Girl" to be sad... think of the great life she led and the memories you have of her.


CardiLover said...

Oh, Mandy, I'm so sorry for your loss!!! Please give my best to Carolyn, too, and let us know if you need anything. It's hard when you get to this point and know it's all memory now, but it's amazing how long and how real those memories are of people as special as she was! Hugs to you all!!!

Kate said...

I'm sorry I missed you - by about six whole hours, even. I would have liked to have seen you and given you a hug.

Jeri said...

I'm so sorry Mandy...it's never easy. Her tribute/obit was touching though, and I felt as if I got to know a tiny piece of Ginny. It sounds like she was a very special woman.
